Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Some people call comedy yucks and that makes me sick! The sky is grey and so I am feeling frustrated but it makes me more in touch with reality. If the weather was beautiful all the time we would not reflect as much on life being a finite thing and that with attatchment to happiness we forget the polar opposites. This creates shallow thinking, and frustration when things don't go your way. This is a dangerous and insane way of thinking. We humans are too good at creating because we create with out thinking, distracting ourselves from the consquence of our actions. When we look closely at nature destroyed I sometimes think we have created a situation that has gone over our heads. Evolution is slow and gradual process, while our ego centric colonisation of the planet is rapid to keep up with economics. This equates to a disharmony in nature and I think it is sad but I stay strong because the world and universe will go on, even if we slowly kill ourselves.

Peace, lovely universe!


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